Get to know this software consultant a little better
I would love to tell you more about my past, culture.

Michele Fadda’s – Abridged bio Bit slicing all along
The views expressed in this blog are my own and do not necessarily match my current employer's.
I am a serial innovator: started innovating by entering the field when it was not popular, and followed its evolution all along. If you say you are innovation focused, but you can' show that you actually did take risks in your past, and either adopted or developed innovation, you are not an innovator but a wannabe.
As a consultant, I have been involved in numerous projects in Italy, using a variety of programming languages for over three decades.
I mis-spent my first 19 years, doing classical studies, stealing my father's radio books, and learning everything I could about anything vaguely digital, and learning how to program in assembler 8080A assembly by myself in 1979 by memorising its instruction set in octal. You do the math, yes, I am that old.
As a student in Milan in 1983, I began to write for technical magazines and to work as a consultant for the leading Italian companies involved in the development of firmware, including Olivetti.
At the time dealing with computers was not at all "fashionable"; it was something I did for passion. The unruly crowd did not see computing as a fashionable subject. Indeed, strange as it may seem today, taking an interest in IT meant exposing oneself to certain social disapproval (such as being classified as Nerd, which had an entirely negative connotation).
I began by being a bona fide technical journalist. I am the author of about fifty technical articles on digital electronics and programming in magazines.
I earned an MBA, Master of Business Management in 2002 with OUBS, The Open University Business School, following a Diploma in Business Studies.
I earned my MBA studying as an adult, and paying the extortionate (outside the UK) fee reserved for non UK residents, at the time.
I spent the last 12 years developing mobile applications in iOS and dabbling with back end application architectures and software architecture.
I have a keen interest in crypto technology, as I started by developing a firmware DES implementation in 8051 Assembly from scratch, in 1988, without a debugger, passing all NIST tests of the time.
My university professor, at that time thought that there was no future in Cryptography, and I should have focused on a more productive field, such as "office automation".
Bear in mind that Computer Science, Software Engineering and IT did not quite exist as an independent fields, when I started.
In the UK from September 2018, I now work and live in London.
Passions and interests
Be like a good cook
Use sharp tools and always be learning. If you define yourself as an expert, you probably just stopped learning. Yes, I do have strong opinions on cooking.

Software Technologies iOS Senior Developer
I got involved in mobile technology because I wanted to make a difference as a developer.
I consider the debate about Mobile Development belonging to Front End culturally irrelevant and wrong.
Human interaction matters for back-end and system design and software architecture matters for Mobile.
I chose to focus on Apple, because it matched my ideas on elegance and design, especially from a software engineering stand point.
I also use other elegant (and fast) technologies, and like to straddle and experiment a lot.
Besides Mobile, I have a keen interest for everything that makes better systems, more efficient and reliable ways of doing things, on a massive scale. That requires architectural thinking, not just knowing all about some "front end" frameworks.
I am called an expert, something that I dread, as I spent most of my career demolishing experts. I prefer to call myself an humble student. That is my philosophical position.
Also, I am aware that the correct answer to a question in the past, may be different today. As such, experience is overrated, and what really matters is the quality of your thinking.

Business management How can a nerd be interested in that?
I got into that because wanted to learn more on how companies I consulted for worked.
I also wanted to know how to drive software development to success, while respecting people, and make a bigger difference. I had met such horrible examples as role models, and very few good ones.
I still find so many bad examples, that a good line manager is an exception.
I am an exception: I know what makes a difference between an horrible boss and a very good leader, so I can make informed choices on this domain.
Having witnessed so many different cultures and organisations, I consider myself a bit of a corporate cultural anthropologist.
My now thinking is rooted in academia, and tempered by hard gained experience.
My main interests: Strategy, Software development related business concerns, Finance

Other interests in no particular order